You are here: Promotions > Promotion Discount Types > Cheapest Item % Discount

Cheapest Item % Discount

This promotion is well suited any “Buy 1 get 1 Free for Equal or Lesser Value” promotions.

You have the option to include any instruction items that are sold with the item that carry a price.



The discount amount is calculated only on the cheapest item within the sale and distributed amongst all items within the promotion.



Cheapest Item Promotion with FAVOURCUSTOMER option

It is possible to give customers the better deal within a promotion by offering them a true promotion of “Equal or lesser value”, whereby the customer can be favoured with a better discount.


With Multiple Trips, this will work out the Cheapest Item in the triggered quantity calculating from the most expensive item to the cheapest item.

Once a trigger occurs, calculation resumes onto the subsequent items.


How does it work? Consider you sold 3 items that trigger the promotion, one for $28, one for $25 and the other for $22. Using the traditional Cheapest Item % Discount promotion, the customer would have to pay for both the $28 and $25 options, as the “cheapest” item at $22 would be discounted. Using the FAVOURCUSTOMER option, the customer would have to pay for the $28 and $22 options, as the $25 option would be discounted. This promotion type can take into effect Instruction items with prices.


Go to File > Sales > Promotions > Promotions > Add:




Some examples of the promotion:

Single Item Discount



Multi-Trip Discount



Item Discounts will affect which item can be discounted, however if items are included in promotions, they should not be getting additional item discounts.